You can’t wait for inspiration,
you have to go after it with a club.

~Jack London

ML Ops - Data Pipeline Workflow Orchestration Project

Developed a ML Ops Data Pipeline using AWS, Apache Airflow, and PySpark for a heart disease dataset. Conducted EDA, ETL, feature engineering, missing value imputation, followed by implementing and evaluating logistic regression and SVM models via PySpark and scikit-learn. Utilized Python, Boto3 for data loading, CloudWatch, S3 buckets, and RDS database.

NLP Research Paper “Probing for Emergent Positional Embeddings in GPT”

Co-authored a paper on mechanistic interpretability (reverse-engineering LLM transformers), investigating emergent positional embedding of words in GPT-2. Performed data extraction, cleaning, and analysis; Conducted training with linear probing on a model with natural sentence data with Python (PyTorch, spaCy, Jupyter Notebook, TransformerLens), and created visualizations of results.

Wildhacks 2023 Hackathon - Swifternships

I created a fully functional microinternship platform for Northwestern students, allowing students to apply to real micro-internship opportunities posted by startups and local businesses. Built with React, Tailwind, Firebase, Google Cloud, Typescript.

Whitney Young Mobile App Inventor Club

I started this club as a freshman to gather students with or without coding experience to learn how to create mobile apps and build computational thinking skills. We learned to program in MIT App Inventor, Thunkable, Android Studio (Java), and Swift, and created the SMart School Supply Trading app and the WY Club App. We believe in App Inventor's vision that anyone can build apps that impact the world.

Whitney Young Club Website

At Whitney Young, clubs are close-knit communities within communities. I've created a website to help extend the circle of connections, to allow students find infomation, passion and friends in over 130 clubs.

UIUC WYSE MechSE + ISA ECE Summer Camps

I gained lots of exposure to many areas of enginnering: I built a Stereolithographic 3D Printer, signed parts using CAD, programmed with Arduinos, soldered circuits to build radios, and visited Psyonic and the CAT Data Innovation Lab.

Chi Hack Night

Chicago is becoming a hacker's dreamland. I am a regular at ChiHackNight, a weekly event for Chicago coders to get together build, share and learn about civic tech. I worked on building a Chicago Virtual Assistant, a voice controlled 311 request system, and worked on the "Chicago Books to Women in Prison" Project. Here is a GitHub Repo to our project.

Hack Chicago 2018

Doing overnight Hackathons is amazing. Despite being locked in old school buildings with hundreds of teenagers, the secret ingredients to achieve the magical wonder of these events are great ideas, caffine, code, more caffine, and a steady flow of chips and cookies.


5 Years Whitney Young Math Team

+ 5 Years Chicago Math Circle

+ 3 Years UCHI Young Schoolar Program

+ countless QED, NSML, CCML, AMC

∵ There are so many problmes waiting to be solved by us

Global Reach

Summer 2017, I attended Fenghua Academy's Youth Leadership Program, spent 2 weeks living on campus with Chinese students, teaching English and organizing culture exchange activites. The Culture Exchange Summer Program for local high school students has provided great opportunities for international culture enrichment, volunteering, and leadership development.

Congress of Future Science and Technology Leaders

Had the opportunity to meet industry legends, educators, new inventors, and nobel prize winners, who all gave inspiring speeches of incredible stories and impactful discoveries in the fields of science and technology, creativity and imagination.