Senior Experience Machine Learning Section 6 - Polynomial Linear Regression

Polynomial Linear Regression

This one is similar to Multiple Linear Regression, but it uses exponents

y = b0 + b1x1 + b2x2+… bn*xn

Polynomial Regression:

y = b0 + b1x1 + b2x22 +… bn*xnn

By using exponents, it can solve a bit more of the non-random cases, for example

best fit line

It’s still called “Linear” Regression because the word linear is referring to the coefficients, not the predictor variables. The coefficients are still linear for now.

Here is the regressor applied to the Leaf Dataset:

best fit line

Using a much more appropriate dataset that follows the assumptions with the same code:

best fit line

Trying wacky data and seeing how it reacts:

best fit line

Ryan Newkirk
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