Senior Experience Machine Learning Section 1 - Welcome to the Course

Applications of Machine Learning

Facebook Facial Recognition. Kinect. VR. Voice Recognition. Robot Animals. Facebook ads. Amazon/Netflix/Audible. Medicine. Space/Maps. Explore Mars.


Learning Paths

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Why Machine Learning is the Future

We are making exponentially more data over time

2005 - 130 Exabytes of data on earth ever

(Exabyte = A Billion Megabytes)

2020 - 40900 Exabytes of data on earth ever

We use a fraction of this data

Machines can use a bigger fraction

With Machine learning, we can start to process, understand, and use data!!

Installing Python and Anaconda (Mac, Linux & Windows)

They use Python 3.5. I use Python 3.7

Anaconda Navigator → spyder

object inspector

still need to figure out how to use Object Inspector?? But to be honest it’s not too important

Ryan Newkirk
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