App Inventor Club 2018-2019: 8th Meeting

At this meet, we prepared the letter we would send out to Club Leaders in WY.

Whitney Young Clubs Leaders,

My name is Ryan Newkirk. I am the club leader of the App Inventor Club. Our team is working on a mobile app for our school’s clubs this semester (still in development), and I’ve also put together a website using information provided from the Club Fair sign up form. A club description, club schedule, and contact info are displayed for each club. It’s extremely inspiring to see we have so many great initiatives and talents. I really hope this site and our soon-available mobile app would encourage more students to join these wonderful activities.

Mr. Soto has agreed to link this site to Whitney Young’s school site. So, before we publish it, we want to make sure the info on the site is reviewed by each club.

Here is the link to the site: website, please enter your feedback in Column G & F on this Google doc by the end of next week. Thank you very much!


Ryan Newkirk

We also met Hilda Mendoza, a UIC Computer Science undergraduate interested in attending this App Inventor Meeting in order to serve as a mentor and contributor. She is the Co-chair SHPE Jr Representative for Whitney Young and was very passionate about CS, giving us tips for our project.

group photo

Here are a few other UI Plans that we worked on:


more plans

Ryan Newkirk
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